About Us



We are Nicholas and Aubrie Klafke and live in beautiful sunny Saint George, Utah. Nicholas is originally from Northern Utah and Aubrie is from the North Shore of Oahu. We enjoy traveling and spending quality time with family and friends. We were first introduced to greenteaHAWAII by a family member.

At first we were hesitant to try it, but the new year rolled around and we decided why not? Let’s give it a try! We started drinking it faithfully and after two months we noticed more energy and started seeing weight loss results. Together we’ve lost over 30lbs through drinking greenteaHAWAII.

We enjoy this product so much that we started sharing it with family, friends, and coworkers, which they became fans of greenteaHAWAII as well. We have seen it help those that we care about and felt that this should not be kept a secret any longer! So we decided to start distributing greenteaHAWAII at local Farmers Markets, Expos, and other events.

We want to help others feel and look their best! ‘Look Better, Feel Better, Be Better’ is our mission statement and we believe that greenteaHAWAII should be a part of your healthy lifestyle.


Nicholas and Aubrie Klafke, Distributors